Wow has it really been this long since I blogged! Sorry! Anyhow, so much has been going on that I guess I really didnt have time to write. We went home to Oregon to visit for ten days and it was wonderful to see everyone. At times I got very frustrated with my family, but then I remembered I didnt have to live near them anymore, so it made it all easier. Needless to say the visit was too short and I miss them all dearly once again. After returning from Oregon we got ready for another big move. We had only lived in Minnesota for about 14 months, and we were now heading for Virginia. We are all very excited about this move. The weather will be much more agreeable, and we will once again be close to the beach and mountains. We will also be close to Washington DC and all it affords.
So now, I have been in Richmond for almost three weeks, and it has been unseasonably HOT. As long as you stay inside you dont notice, but I need to drive my kids to and from school. We are currently living in temporary coorporate housing about 25 mins from where we are buying, and where the kids go to school, so I am in the car for about 2 hours a day. Back and forth and back and forth. Gas is so darn expensive or I would use my air conditioning. But without air, I am spending about 2o bucks a day on gas. YUCK! We close on the house this week and should get our belongings on Monday, so it looks like this is the last week of driving. YEAH!
Because my kids are all in school all day, and my husband is working, and I have no house to do anything in. (we are in a furnished apartment). I have been working on a few UFO's. Ideally I would have none, but we all have them. So, the first one I need to finish is a set of cross stitch placemats for my sister in law. I told her two years ago I would make them for her for her birthday, and I had one and a quarter done. Boy do I suck. The thing is, the tendenitous in my hands and wrists got really bad and made it very painful to work on them. The funny thing is, that is why she didnt make them for herself. It is also the reason I have a few other UFO's, that I want done by Christmas. They are cross stitch stockings for our family. I got two of them done, and was almost done with the third, and then started having problems. So after finishing the placemats, they are my next priority. I also have a knit bag/tote/purse, that I started last July on the plane ride from Oregon to Minnesota. It is a nice navy color in the Lambs pride cotton. I absolutely love how it feels. It really is and easy pattern, it is just a rectangle, but for some reason I still havent finished it. I also have a sock, yes just one, I have the other to do also, but only one is on needles. I got about half way and then stopped. I really want to finish it, as I love handknit socks, but I just havent gotten around to it. So many projects, so little time. I also have that new to me, but old brother knitting machine that I got a year ago that I have yet to use. My sister is expecting a little girl in January and I would love to knit her a sweater or something on it. I also want to knit her some booties and a blanket and maybe even some felt slippers/booties to use up some wool ends that I have. Of course these arent UFOs, just dreams. As I complete projects I will try to add picutres. Of course I still need to upack and set up the house and restart my business and such, but I am superwoman you know so it should be easy.
TTFN, Miki
Here is my page about my hand and machine knitting projects and whatever else I feel like talking about at the moment
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Round afgan
Hi all, I know I havent written in awhile. The summer has been crazy. I put my knitting machine away for awhile as I really dont have the space here to have it set up full time. That is my dream for the next place we live. Anyhow, I pulled it back out this week as I have some projects that need to be finished before we travel back home to Oregon in two weeks. The one I have dreaded and put off, mainly because this will be the third time I am attempting it, is a beautiful round afgan. The afgan has a star in the center. The star is made up of 8 diamonds. The diamonds alternate in color to create deapth. I chose a light and dark blue for the diamonds and a grey for the triangels at the edge that create the roundness. I am using Caron Simply Soft yarn. I love this yarn as it is very soft and cuddly, and knits well on the machine. However, I do not like how easily it snags. I am not sure how long this yarn will hold up and still look nice. Anyhow, the first few panels gave me LOTS of trouble, but now I am moving along pretty well. I kept dropping stiches at the beginning of the row on the left side. I finally figured out that I was pulling the yarn too much at the beginning. I usually dont have that problem, but then again, I dont usually knit short rows. I will try to take a picutre on the machine, but will definetly post one when it is done. It will be a first birthday present for a friends son. I am sure they will both like it. Ta ta for now, Princess Miki
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Sweater done
Well, I FINALLY finished the mothers day sweater. After having to frog a sleeve, I wasnt anxious to start again, but I had a deadline. I finished knitting the sweater and needed to assemble it. The sleeves were a pain for me, because they just refused to match up with the body of the sweater. After about 5 tries, it finally worked. I wrapped it up and sent it express to ensure that she would get it in time. After finally relaxing the night I sent it, I realized I didnt take a picture of it. DANG!! That is such a bad habit for me. I will have to have my mom take a picture of it and send it to me. I hope it fits her. I was unsure about the size, and while it worked ok, for me, I think I would have rathered it be a little smaller.
Today I had my Mary Kay debut. I had 5 people say they would come, and only one showed up. Oh well, we had fun any way.
Today I had my Mary Kay debut. I had 5 people say they would come, and only one showed up. Oh well, we had fun any way.
Friday, April 29, 2005
The Lacy Mothers Day Sweater

Mothers Day Sweater sleeves

Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Mothers Day Sweater
Well I started on the sweater yesterday. I had to connect the extension to the middle of my machine. I have used it before, but this time it doesnt seem to be running very smooth. I finished the back of the sweater, but it took way to long in my oppinion as I had to do about half the stitches by hand. Actually that is an exageration, but I did have to hand manipulate many of the stitches. Apparantely one part of the bed is not sitting as flat as other parts, and the carriage keeps catching on it. As soon as I figured it out, it went a little smoother. My husband says it looks great, but I think it looks really big. Of course, I always think this when knitting a sweater, and then when it is all together, it looks fine. I am not sure how to post photos on my blog yet, but as soon as I can figure it out, I will post a photo of the progress. I really think my mom will like this sweater.
Friday, April 22, 2005
Other Stuff
Well, today is an other stuff today. I havent been doing much knitting. I really need to start on my moms Mothers Day present however. Anyhow, today I signed my contract to become a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant. I was looking to earn a few more bucks and I think this will be a good way to do it. If anyone is interested please email me, or click on my link. I will keep you all posted on what happens next.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Shrug done
Well I finished the shrug. I love the yarn, and love the color. I am not real happy about how the yarn patterned. As I said before, I would have like the sleeves to match. This is how the sample was and I guess I thought mine would too, but alas it didnt. It also seems a little big. The cuffs are ribbed and a little loose. I am not sure if it is the yarn that I used, Joanns Sensations, Rainbow Boucle, or if I need to resize the pattern. Or if, I need to use a smaller size keyplate. Remember I knit it on my Bond USM. I used the keyplate 3, but maybe I should try a 2.5. I am a little worried that if I go smaller it will be too small. I thought about swatching. Something I should do every project, and dont. But, I can hardly see the stitches to rib, I doubt I could see them to check guage. Plus, I dont believe the pattern says what the guage was. I will take a picture and post for all to see. I said to my husband that it will be fine for bumming around the house. He told me that he thought it was too nice to bum around in. Now wasnt that sweet of him. Gotta get the kids off to school. TTFN, Princess Miki
Saturday, April 16, 2005
My new BLOG
Well, I have finally done it. I have created a BLOG. My husband will probably think it will be one more thing for me to find to do on the computer, but I have been thinking about doing this for a long time. My hope and plan is to have this to show off all my new knitting projects. Right now I have three projects going. Two on needles and one just off the machine that needs finishing. I have been machine knitting on the Bond ISM, with USM upgrade for about 9 years now. However it has only been the last 5 or 6 that I have become just a little obsessed with it. I have been knitting on needles for about a year.
The projects on needles are a tote bag from a book I bought to teach my daughter and niece how to knit, and some socks. I have recently figured out how to do socks and absolutely love them. The yarn I am using for the socks is Moda Dea Sassy Stripes. I dont remember the color name, but it is pink. The tote bag is being done using Lambs Pride Jersey Cotton(?), in a nice dark blue. I started the bag last July on my flight out to Minnesota. The only reason it isnt done yet is I grew bored of it. I should probably finish it soon however as I hate UFO's.
The project on, or should I say just off the machine, is the free April pattern from It is a shrug, I knit it like there sample picture with Joanns Sensations Rainbow Boucle. I used the blue color, I am not sure if it has a name...I should look. Ribbing the sleeves was a total pain in the butt as I hard a hard time seeing the stitches. I was a little dissappointed when I took it off the machine as I wanted the sleeves to match in color and tone, and they didnt. Also, it seems kinda large. Of course, I didnt swatch..I now shame shame. I still need to seem up the sleeves, so maybe I will like how it is finished after that is done. I have photos of my other projects that I hope to post, and will take one of this as well.
I also am planning on knitting a Spring sweater for my mom for Mothers Day. I dont think she will see this BLOG before then, so I can talk about it. I purchased the short sleeve sweater kit from I just hope it will fit her. I will keep you all posted on the progress.
I should also mention that in October my mom purchased for me a vintage Brother knitting machine. It knits a smaller guage than my Bond, and I have yet to set it up since getting it back from the knitting shop. I guess I am a little intimidated by it. I have some bright aqua yarn to knit on it though, so I really should get going on playing with it. Again I will let you know how it goes.
Well, the kids are begging to get on the computer and I need to eat, and finish my knit projects, so TTFN
The projects on needles are a tote bag from a book I bought to teach my daughter and niece how to knit, and some socks. I have recently figured out how to do socks and absolutely love them. The yarn I am using for the socks is Moda Dea Sassy Stripes. I dont remember the color name, but it is pink. The tote bag is being done using Lambs Pride Jersey Cotton(?), in a nice dark blue. I started the bag last July on my flight out to Minnesota. The only reason it isnt done yet is I grew bored of it. I should probably finish it soon however as I hate UFO's.
The project on, or should I say just off the machine, is the free April pattern from It is a shrug, I knit it like there sample picture with Joanns Sensations Rainbow Boucle. I used the blue color, I am not sure if it has a name...I should look. Ribbing the sleeves was a total pain in the butt as I hard a hard time seeing the stitches. I was a little dissappointed when I took it off the machine as I wanted the sleeves to match in color and tone, and they didnt. Also, it seems kinda large. Of course, I didnt swatch..I now shame shame. I still need to seem up the sleeves, so maybe I will like how it is finished after that is done. I have photos of my other projects that I hope to post, and will take one of this as well.
I also am planning on knitting a Spring sweater for my mom for Mothers Day. I dont think she will see this BLOG before then, so I can talk about it. I purchased the short sleeve sweater kit from I just hope it will fit her. I will keep you all posted on the progress.
I should also mention that in October my mom purchased for me a vintage Brother knitting machine. It knits a smaller guage than my Bond, and I have yet to set it up since getting it back from the knitting shop. I guess I am a little intimidated by it. I have some bright aqua yarn to knit on it though, so I really should get going on playing with it. Again I will let you know how it goes.
Well, the kids are begging to get on the computer and I need to eat, and finish my knit projects, so TTFN
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