Well, I have finally done it. I have created a BLOG. My husband will probably think it will be one more thing for me to find to do on the computer, but I have been thinking about doing this for a long time. My hope and plan is to have this to show off all my new knitting projects. Right now I have three projects going. Two on needles and one just off the machine that needs finishing. I have been machine knitting on the Bond ISM, with USM upgrade for about 9 years now. However it has only been the last 5 or 6 that I have become just a little obsessed with it. I have been knitting on needles for about a year.
The projects on needles are a tote bag from a book I bought to teach my daughter and niece how to knit, and some socks. I have recently figured out how to do socks and absolutely love them. The yarn I am using for the socks is
Moda Dea Sassy Stripes. I dont remember the color name, but it is pink. The tote bag is being done using
Lambs Pride Jersey Cotton(?), in a nice dark blue. I started the bag last July on my flight out to Minnesota. The only reason it isnt done yet is I grew bored of it. I should probably finish it soon however as I hate UFO's.
The project on, or should I say just off the machine, is the free April pattern from Kangamooknits.com. It is a shrug, I knit it like there sample picture with
Joanns Sensations Rainbow Boucle. I used the blue color, I am not sure if it has a name...I should look. Ribbing the sleeves was a total pain in the butt as I hard a hard time seeing the stitches. I was a little dissappointed when I took it off the machine as I wanted the sleeves to match in color and tone, and they didnt. Also, it seems kinda large. Of course, I didnt swatch..I now shame shame. I still need to seem up the sleeves, so maybe I will like how it is finished after that is done. I have photos of my other projects that I hope to post, and will take one of this as well.
I also am planning on knitting a Spring sweater for my mom for Mothers Day. I dont think she will see this BLOG before then, so I can talk about it. I purchased the short sleeve sweater kit from
Kangamooknits.com. I just hope it will fit her. I will keep you all posted on the progress.
I should also mention that in October my mom purchased for me a vintage Brother knitting machine. It knits a smaller guage than my Bond, and I have yet to set it up since getting it back from the knitting shop. I guess I am a little intimidated by it. I have some bright aqua yarn to knit on it though, so I really should get going on playing with it. Again I will let you know how it goes.
Well, the kids are begging to get on the computer and I need to eat, and finish my knit projects, so TTFN