So, I FINALLY finished the socks I have been working on. They were knit in Lion Brand Magic Stripes yarn, color Jelly bean. When I first chose the yarn, I thought I would like it. However, I dont know how often I will wear these socks. I am not real confident with the colors. I also am less than thrilled with the pattern I chose to knit. This is the second time I used this pattern(the one that came with the socks), and I really dont like the fit. The first ones I knit actually fit a little better. Hmm. Oh well. So, while looking for some more Moda Dea yarn, I came accross a color of Magic Stripes I didn't have. It was Stonewashed Blue. I bought some and decided to use the Moda Dea sock pattern with it. First off, I love this yarn. I love the colors!!! Second, I think I will like this pattern better. It is a 2x2 rib for the entire upper part. The Lion Brand sock is only about 10 rows of 1x1 rib. I think this makes the sock to loose. I cant wait to see how these socks turn out. I am making them in a size medium. I hope they fit me. Of course, if they dont, I have two girls who both ask me to give them to them...so they might end up with this first pair, and I will have to make another pair for me.
I have also been kicking around the idea of dyeing my own yarn. There is a gentleman I became accquainted with online via the sweater machine group on yahoo. He lives in New Orelans, and has decided to quit his job and start his own business. As part of his business he is designing colorways for wool yarn. I love some that he has shared pictures with on his blog, www.raywhiting.com/MyLife/. His pictures and experiences have inspired me to try this. I have also thought about letting my girl scouts dye some cotton, like some Cream and Sugar, and then have them knit it into a small purse. I think this could be a fun experience.
Speaking of Girls Scouts, we are right in the heat of cookie sales, and my house is full of cookies. It is SO hard to not eat them!
A good friend of mine sent me a link to a blog that I now want to share. It was VERY funny. You too can laugh till you cry at www.thesneeze.com. I particularly like steve dont eat it. You can find it on the side bar under first time here this is a good place to start, or something like that.
Anyhow, enjoy the links and the pictures. TTFN, Miki
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