Saturday, May 07, 2005

Sweater done

Well, I FINALLY finished the mothers day sweater. After having to frog a sleeve, I wasnt anxious to start again, but I had a deadline. I finished knitting the sweater and needed to assemble it. The sleeves were a pain for me, because they just refused to match up with the body of the sweater. After about 5 tries, it finally worked. I wrapped it up and sent it express to ensure that she would get it in time. After finally relaxing the night I sent it, I realized I didnt take a picture of it. DANG!! That is such a bad habit for me. I will have to have my mom take a picture of it and send it to me. I hope it fits her. I was unsure about the size, and while it worked ok, for me, I think I would have rathered it be a little smaller.

Today I had my Mary Kay debut. I had 5 people say they would come, and only one showed up. Oh well, we had fun any way.